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Step One

Take a photo of your ticket in a well lit environment and ensure the ticket is in focus.


Step Two

Send the picture of your ticket to 416-926-7737. If you wish to include any other information, such as what happened, just send another text.

Step 3

Step Three

Now you just wait for us to get back to you with your free quote.


If you’ve been charged with a criminal offence, you need experienced legal representation fighting to protect your rights.

Being charged with a criminal offence can have life-altering consequences that can have an impact on your freedom, your reputation and your ability to earn a living. If you’ve been charged with a criminal offence, you need experienced legal representation fighting to protect your rights. An effective criminal defence can mean the difference between a prison sentence and a reduced or dismissed charge.


Our team of criminal defence lawyers licensed paralegals, and former police officers know the law inside and out. With over 300,000 satisfied clients, we are the most experienced team of legal professionals in Canada. We can help you avoid getting a criminal record. We have an expert understanding of court procedures and the methods of law enforcement.

With our assistance, our clients have successfully:

jail Stayed out of jail
protect Protected their job/career
licance Maintained the ability to drive and kept their driver's licence
flight Maintained the ability to travel

Often, X-Copper can attend court for you! You are usually not required to attend court until the final appearance or trial date. We attend the preliminary appearances for you.

Copyright 2025 X-Copper Professional Corporation Authorized by the Law Society of Ontario to practice law. All Rights Reserved.

This website and its information is not legal advice, nor is it intended to be. Please consult a legal services provider (Lawyer or Paralegal) for advice about your individual situation. Please contact us by electronic mail, telephone or in person. Contacting us through this website does not create a lawyer/paralegal-client relationship. Until a Lawyer or Paralegal-client relationship is established, please withhold from sending any confidential information to us.